Monday, February 28, 2011

On the way...!

Hello thar!

Starting out to be a good competition time -- or at least it will be once we get there. We have yet to get our t-shirts, but we do have a design (and an awesome one, to boot), and hopefully we'll happen upon a shirt/clothing shop with a design feature to go to and get them done!

On a better hand, one a lot more positive, we shipped the robot! All 115 pounds of it, in fact. We sent it on Tuesday, after two of our best engineers left to go ice fishing, three of our best "everything imps" were sick, and our safety captain was gone on a trip to southern Minnesota. We were left with our programmer and our mentor to load up the robot and bring it to the dock to be shipped out at noon.

At the moment, we are building the last minute things: the minibot, and the driver's station. We also have to pack all of our extra things -- a list of all our things on the robot -- just in case anything breaks.

Well, that's all for now for an update!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

15 Feb

Working on the OM NOM NOM claw and the pneumatic cylinder configuration. Finishing our winch contraption and completing routing. Re-writing our programming from last year to work with our new design--which happens to be SWEET.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

All day today!

Hello Internet!
Today, we are working pretty much all day. I know, being at school on saturday, not so fun. It is though. We finally got our mechanum wheels in, and they are AWESOME. They're gonna take more programming to be able to run, but they're so worth it, and we can do it. We also updated our sponsor list, the one from last year, so that it's... well, updated. You can find it on our school site,, by visiting the robot project link under "activities."
Being so close to the shipping date, we're working today on the building of our robot. It's going pretty well, with the tower so so close to operation! We're pumped for the competition, and are feeling prettu confident!
                    Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hey you all!
Icestorm here. This past week has been WORK WORK WORK, but has payed off so so SO much. We have two prototypes done, and they look super awesome. One is for our robotic arm, and the other for the minibot, or as we lovingly call it, the parasite. They both are of wood, because we have that around, being a place of logging and shop classes, but the arm works like a dream, and the minibot looks killer.
As of our main bot, it is very well along, having most to all the necesary components AND our tower. It looks really intimidating, which I guess is good for us, no?
We also have been working on some, actually, a lot, of pneumatics for our arm. Luckily, we have some really REALLY awesome people on our team who set that up! Way to go, us!
                         More in time,
                                       Icestorm 3054